May 26, 2009 – 17:44
Now reviewing tools and services to quickly sketch and prototype user interfaces.
I’ve been advised to check balsamiq mockups. What puts me off is:
- either a desktop version or a limited list of tools it could integrate into; no trac integration
- steep price tag, esp for an non-desktop version
- nearly free-hand drawing, I’d like to have something closer to an html
There is also a twiddla, which offers an excellent teamwork service. Perhaps I’ll advise my team to use it to perform quick sketch sessions with clients.
Yet again it offers just a widgetized free-hand drawing. That means I hardly can integrate it in the development process, only into a communication.
On the other hand, there’s a simple grid-based css generator at Nice as a component, but too simplistic as a service
Something like this editor would be an ideal fit, but they seem to target it only for their own service..
What I’ve missed?
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