42 Coffee Cups idea incubation roadmap

January 4, 2012 – 01:45

Every developer has tons of ideas that shall be next Google/Facebook/Zynga. Or at least, we think we have.

42 Coffee Cups is a software development company, so it would be foolish not to have a roadmap for incubation of such ideas.

Tonight I did another excercise in ordering Product-Market Fit, Problem-Solution fit, value hypothesis, growth hypothesis, business model canvas and other tools of Lean Startup toolkit in my head..

The idea that hit me was that we, at least in my region (Ukraine), always often miss a key step – Message-Chanel-Problem fit. Simply put – can I get my Message through selected communication Channel to any meaningful amount of people that might have Problem I’d like to solve..

This makes incubation roadmap look this way:

  1. Reasonable business model canvas
  2. Message-Chanel-Problem fit
  3. Problem-Solution fit
  4. Product-Market fit (value hypothesis confirmation)
  5. Financial model fit (growth hypothesis confirmation)

Feel free to throw a stone.